How to be Happy in this new world

1 minute read


Steve Jobs had famously said Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and I think in that statement somewhere lies the secret to being happy. I can directly derive the relationship that to be happy in life you to be happy at work. So now the question is How can you be happy at work? The answer can be summarised in only two points

Strive For Excellence

You need to strive for excellence in your work. One’s true success in life begins only when they make a COMMITMENT to be excellent at what they do. Without this commitment, they will always perform at mediocre or average levels and it will be difficult to reach their full potential. Excellence spins off positive results in all endeavours that we human beings encounter. Every study of high achieving individuals proves that greatness in life is only possible when you become EXCELLENT in your chosen field. If you are a plumber or an electrician, strive to be better than the BEST out there. Life’s best rewards result from performing in an EXCELLENT fashion. Don’t ever shortchange yourself by accepting mediocrity!

Ensure your work makes someone happy

You will be satisfied with your work only when the outcome of your work is useful for someone. I work in an industry where 68% of software projects fail or are just scrapped for various reasons. It is never a great feeling when you are involved in one of such product. Put everything you can to ensure your project is successful and more importantly it is useful for someone out there.

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