Dont’t eternalize the present; contextualize it

1 minute read


Dont't eternalize the present

When we face problems they sometimes overwhelm us so much that we can’t think of anything else. We feel as if the problem will never be solved. The dread of living with it for all time to come cripples our ability to deal with it constructively. At such times we succumb to the error of eternalizing the present

The present is fleeting; it exists now but will soon be over. To appreciate this let’s think about past overwhelming problems a major exam job interview vital public speech hindsight shows us that they were not worth getting overwhelmed they came and they went so will the present problem this reflection enables us to contextualize the problem as temporary.

Take the failure of the past, and manoeuvre the new predicament the way you wanted the old failure to work out. In life, you get as many tries as it takes until you understand a concept.


There might be some folks that want you to give up when you fail in some way, as they hope that the failure keeps you down. These are the folks you might want to remember when you feel like giving up hope that you can do better the second time around.

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