The R.I.S.E decision-making framework
The R.I.S.E decision-making framework can help us overcome workplace tensions.
To use it, begin by recognizing a situation. This means evaluating its risks and potential outcomes, and also having the wisdom to set realistic expectations for these. We should not waste energy dreaming up perfect but impossible solutions. Recognizing the situation will give you a clear differentiation between idealism and pragmatism, what is vital but also what are the challenges
The next step in R.I.S.E is to internalize the situation before we act. This goes past recognition, and the goal is to deeply understand the issue at hand and mentally explore all potential outcomes. In this step listen to your inner voice. Understand if there are any risks are those because of fear to get out of comfort zone. Internalizing it and hearing to your heart will help you evaluating such choices
Third, it’s crucial we share our reflections on a situation with a select group of good people, whether it’s mentors, coworkers or family. Doing so gives us the benefit of multiple perspectives – perspectives which might contribute a different, previously unexplored angle on the issue at hand.
Finally, it’s time to execute. The essential factor here is to have the conviction that the decision is the right one. A great way to boost our conviction – and bring in elements of self-awareness – is to turn to pen and paper. Once we’ve made our decision we should write it down, along with why we made this choice and our logical reasoning behind it. In the future, this will aid us in the process of learning by reflecting on previous decisions and instigating a positive feedback loop.
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