Introduction to Scala
chapter, Online, 2016
Introduction To Scala
Scala is a general purpose programming language, multiparadigm object oriented, functional, scalable
Aimed to implement common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way
Supports both object-oriented and functional * programming styles, thus helping programmers to be more productive
Publicly released in January 2004 on the JVM platform and a few months later on the .NET platform
Scala is Statically Typed
- Statically typed language binds the type to a variable for its entire scope
- Dynamically typed languages bind the type to the actual value referenced by a variable .Example : python
- Fully supports Object Oriented Programming
- Everything is an object in Scala
- Unlike Java, Scala does not have primitives
- Supports “static” class members through Singleton Object Concept
- Improved support for OOP through Traits
Job trends
Check your Understanding?
Which Features are supported by Scala?
- Less error prone functional style
- High maintainability and productivity
- High scalability
- High testability
- Provides features of concurrent programming
Software Installation
Latest version can be downloaded from:
Install the Scala and Set the Scala Path in Machine
Scala Hello World
- In your command prompt type
- Type
println("Hello World")
Scala IDE
- Scala IDE provides excellent and enhanced editing and debugging support for the development of pure Scala (mixed Scala-Java also) applications
The best choices for Scala IDEs are IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse because they are excellent in terms of stability and features like type interference,code inspection and memory consumption
REPL : Read - Evaluate - Print - Loop
- Easiest way to get started with Scala, acts as an interactive shell interpreter
- Even though it appears as interpreter, all typed code is converted to Bytecode and executed
Check your Understanding
Scala REPL acts as scala Interpreter ?
- True
- False
Scala supports primitive and wrapper classes ?
- True
- False
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